02 November, 2009

Mary in Vietnam with in-laws

Darlings, we've found some photos of the core members of the DRF meltdown doing their royal slurp thang in Vietnam. Thomas is working overtime to get Royal Dish restored and Maria is busy wiping his brow and bringing him lemonade, so no worries, we'll be back up in no time. You can't break us down, Mary!

In the meantime enjoy the show. Mary looks miserable - hijacked by her philandering husband and the Chimney-in-laws for a visit to Dame Henri's childhood home.

And more fun ensues with Jock 'Half-Mast' Sluuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrppppppson taking care of XAMC and Our Izzy. Poor girl, she looks beside herself here at the Hubertus Hunt wearing her brother's hand-me-downs and purple booties with her gargoyle grandpappy!